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Weekly Goals 004

As I reflect on my goals for this month, I realized I had some pretty lofty goals. (001, 002, 003) & I have only accomplished 2 out of the 5 goals.

I still need to finish sewing Keith’s onesie. I still need to print my photos from Europe & scrapbook them. I still need to find a job.
I did read more this week. I read The Happiness Project but most of this week I’ve been reading Laika Magazine. Laika Magazine is an absolutely beautiful vegan lifestyle magazine. I. LOVE. IT. SO. MUCH. It has gorgeous photography and very fascinating articles. Please click over to their website to check them out. You can purchase previously published issues, which I think is cool!
So this week, I want to focus on the goals that I still haven’t accomplished this month. I know it’s likely that I will still not accomplish them by the end of this week, but at least I’ll chip away at them.
This Week’s Goals:
Work on Keith’s onesie.
Work on Europe scrapbook.
Apply for more jobs.
Do you have any goals this week? Have any goals that have been on your todo list for a long time?
I hope you have a very productive week!
– Christina